
The procedure to read from a data source the required byte stream and deserialize it with a byte stream mapper includes four steps.

Create the Byte Stream Provider

First, create the byte stream provider to access the data source.

>>> # Create the byte stream provider for the data source.
>>> provider = FileProvider('./_static/reading.bin')
>>> provider.cache
bytearray(b"\x0f\x00KonFoo is \'Fun\'")
>>> provider.cache.hex()


We use here a FileProvider but you can write your own provider class to access any kind of data source.

Create the Byte Stream Mapper

Second, create the byte stream mapper for the binary data to be mapped in the data source.

>>> class FileMapper(Structure):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
...         self.length = Decimal16()
...         self.content = String(15)
...         self.index_fields()


>>> # Create the byte stream mapper.
>>> mapper = Structure(length = Decimal16(), content = String(15))
>>> # Index the fields of the mapper.
>>> mapper.index_fields()
Index(byte=17, bit=0, address=17, base_address=0, update=False)
>>> # List the field values of the mapper.
>>> mapper.to_list()
[('Structure.length', 0),
 ('Structure.content', '')]
>>> # List the field values of the mapper as a CSV list.
>>> mapper.to_csv()
[{'id': 'Structure.length', 'value': 0},
 {'id': 'Structure.content', 'value': ''}]
>>> # View the mapper field values as a JSON string.
>>> mapper.to_json()
'{"length": 0, "content": ""}'

Create the Byte Stream Reader

Third, create a reader for the byte stream mapper to the data source by attaching the byte stream mapper to the data object of a pointer field.

>>> class FileReader(Pointer):
...     def __init__(self, address=None, byte_order=BYTEORDER):
...         super().__init__(FileMapper(), address, byte_order)


>>> # Create the byte stream reader.
>>> reader = Pointer(mapper, address=0, data_order='little')
>>> # List the field values of the pointer and data object.
>>> reader.to_list()
[('Pointer.field', '0x0'),
 ('', 0),
 ('', '')]
>>> # List the field values of the pointer and data object as a CSV list.
>>> reader.to_csv()
[{'id': 'Pointer.field', 'value': '0x0'},
 {'id': '', 'value': 0},
 {'id': '', 'value': ''}]
>>> # View the pointer and data object field values as a JSON string.
>>> reader.to_json()
'{"value": "0x0",
  "data": {"length": 0, "content": ""}}'

Read from the Data Source

Fourth, read the required byte stream for the data object attached to the pointer field with the byte stream provider from the data source by calling the method read_from() of the pointer field.

>>> # Start address to read the byte stream for the data object from the data source.
>>> reader.address
>>> # Reader points to zero (Null).
>>> reader.is_null()
>>> # Internal byte stream of the reader for the data object.
>>> reader.bytestream
>>> # Read from the provider the byte stream and deserialize the byte stream.
>>> reader.read_from(provider, null_allowed=True)
>>> # Internal byte stream of the reader for the data object.
>>> reader.bytestream
>>> bytes.fromhex(reader.bytestream)
b"\x0f\x00KonFoo is 'Fun'"
>>> # List the field values of the data object.
[('Structure.length', 15),
 ('Structure.content', "KonFoo is 'Fun'")]
>>> # List the field values of the data object as a CSV list.
[{'id': 'Structure.length', 'value': 15},
 {'id': 'Structure.content', 'value': "KonFoo is 'Fun'"}]
>>> # View the data object field values as a JSON string.
'{"length": 15, "content": "KonFoo is \'Fun\'"}'