Source code for konfoo.enums

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extended Python integer enum type.

:copyright: (c) 2015-2022 by Jochen Gerhaeusser.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import annotations

import enum

[docs]class Enumeration(enum.IntEnum): """ The :class:`Enumeration` class is a subclass from the :class:`~enum.IntEnum` class provided by the Python standard module :mod:`enum`, and extends its base class with methods - to `describe` a specific `Enumeration` member by its `name`, `value` tuple - to list the `member names` of an `Enumeration` - to list the `member values` of an `Enumeration` - to `get` the `value` of the `Enumeration` member by its name - to `get` the `name` of the `Enumeration` member by its value - to `get` the `member` of the `Enumeration` by its value Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color <enum 'Color'> >>> type(Color.maroon) <enum 'Color'> >>> isinstance(Color, Enumeration) False >>> issubclass(Color, Enumeration) True >>> isinstance(Color.maroon, Color) True >>> print(Color.maroon) (maroon, 524288) >>> str(Color.maroon) '(maroon, 524288)' >>> Color.maroon Color.maroon = 524288 >>> repr(Color.maroon) 'Color.maroon = 524288' >>> list(Color) [ = 0, Color.maroon = 524288, Color.white = 16777215] >>> [color for color in Color] [ = 0, Color.maroon = 524288, Color.white = 16777215] >>> 'maroon' >>> Color.maroon.value 524288 >>> Color.maroon.describe() ('maroon', 524288) >>> [ for member in Color] ['black', 'maroon', 'white'] >>> Color.names() ['black', 'maroon', 'white'] >>> [member.value for member in Color] [0, 524288, 16777215] >>> Color.values() [0, 524288, 16777215] >>> Color['maroon'].value 524288 >>> Color.get_value('maroon') 524288 >>> Color(0).name 'black' >>> Color.get_name(0) 'black' >>> Color.get_member(0) = 0 >>> int( 0 >>> 0 in Color.values() True >>> 'black' in Color.names() True """ def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return str(self). Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> str(Color.maroon) '(maroon, 524288)' """ return f"({!s}, {self.value!s})" def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Return repr(self). See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> repr(Color.maroon) 'Color.maroon = 524288' """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{!s} = {self.value!r}"
[docs] def describe(self) -> tuple[str, int]: """ Returns the `name`, `value` tuple to describe a specific `Enumeration` member. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color.maroon.describe() ('maroon', 524288) """ return, self.value
[docs] @classmethod def names(cls) -> list[str]: """ Returns a list of the member `names` of an `Enumeration`. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color.names() ['black', 'maroon', 'white'] """ return [ for member in cls]
[docs] @classmethod def values(cls) -> list[int]: """ Returns a list of the member `values` of an `Enumeration`. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color.values() [0, 524288, 16777215] """ return [member.value for member in cls]
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls, value: int) -> str: """ Returns the `name` of the `Enumeration` member matches the *value*, or an empty string if no member match. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color.get_name(0xffffff) 'white' >>> Color.get_name(0x777777) '' """ for member in cls: if member.value == value: return return str()
[docs] @classmethod def get_value(cls, name: str) -> int | None: """ Returns the `value` of the `Enumeration` member matches the *name*, or :data:`None` if no member match. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color.get_value('white') 16777215 >>> Color.get_value('red') """ for member in cls: if == name: return member.value return None
[docs] @classmethod def get_member(cls, value: int, default: Enumeration | None = None) -> Enumeration | None: """ Returns the first `Enumeration` member matches the *value*, or the specified *default* member if no member match. Example: >>> class Color(Enumeration): ... black = 0x000000 ... maroon = 0x080000 ... white = 0xffffff >>> Color.get_member(0) = 0 >>> Color.get_member(0x777777, None) """ for member in cls: if member.value == value: return member return default