Source code for konfoo.providers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    <Add description of the module here>.

    :copyright: (c) 2015-2018 by Jochen Gerhaeusser.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details

import abc
from pathlib import Path

[docs]class Provider: """ A `Provider` class provides access for the :class:`Pointer` class to **read** and **write** byte streams from and back to a data *source*. The `Provider` class servers as a meta class. A derived class must implement the two methods :meth:`read` and :meth:`write` for reading and writing byte streams from and back to the data *source*. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read(self, address=0, count=0): """ Returns a *number* of bytes read from a data `source` beginning at the start *address*. :param int address: start address. :param int count: number of bytes to read from a data `source`. .. note:: This abstract method must be implemented by a derived class. """ return bytes()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, buffer=bytes(), address=0, count=0): """ Writes the content of the *buffer* to a data `source` beginning at the start *address*. :param bytes buffer: content to write. :param int address: start address. :param int count: number of bytes to write to a data `source`. .. note:: This abstract method must be implemented by a derived class. """ pass
[docs]class FileProvider(Provider): """ A `FileProvider` is a byte stream :class:`Provider` for binary files. The *file* content is internal stored in a :attr:`~Provider.cache`. The :meth:`read` and :meth:`write` methods only operate on the internal :attr:`~Provider.cache`. Call :meth:`flush` to store the updated file content to the same or a new file. :param file: name and location of the file to read. :type file: :class:`~pathlib.Path`, :class:`str` """ def __init__(self, file): #: File path. self.path = Path(file).absolute() # File cache. self._cache = bytearray(self.path.read_bytes()) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "({0.path!s}, " \ "{1!s})".format(self, len(self._cache)) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(file={0.path!r}, " \ "size={1!r})".format(self, len(self._cache)) @property def cache(self): """ Returns the internal byte stream cache of the `Provider` (read-only).""" return self._cache
[docs] def read(self, address=0, count=0): """ Returns a *number* of bytes read from the :attr:`cache` beginning at the start *address*. :param int address: start address. :param int count: number of bytes to read from the cache. """ return self._cache[address:]
[docs] def write(self, buffer=bytes(), address=0, count=0): """ Writes the content of the *buffer* to the :attr:`cache` beginning at the start *address*. :param bytes buffer: content to write. :param int address: start address. :param int count: number of bytes to write to the cache. """ view = memoryview(self._cache) view[address:address + count] = buffer
[docs] def flush(self, file=str()): """ Flushes the updated file content to the given *file*. .. note:: Overwrites an existing file. :param str file: name and location of the file. Default is the original file. """ if file: Path(file).write_bytes(self._cache) else: self.path.write_bytes(self._cache)