
The procedure to read from a data source the required byte stream and deserialize it with a byte stream mapper includes four steps.

Create the Byte Stream Provider#

First, create the byte stream provider to access the data source.

>>> # Create the byte stream provider for the data source.
>>> provider = FileProvider("./_static/reading.bin")
>>> provider.cache
bytearray(b"\x0f\x00KonFoo is \'Fun\'")
>>> provider.cache.hex()


We use here a FileProvider but you can write your own provider class to access any kind of data source.

Create the Byte Stream Mapper#

Second, create the byte stream mapper for the binary data to be mapped in the data source.

>>> class FileMapper(Structure):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
...         self.length = Decimal16()
...         self.content = String(15)
...         self.index_fields()


>>> # Create the byte stream mapper.
>>> mapper = Structure(length = Decimal16(), content = String(15))
>>> # Index the fields of the mapper.
>>> mapper.index_fields()
Index(byte=17, bit=0, address=17, base_address=0, update=False)
>>> # List the field values of the mapper.
>>> mapper.to_list()
[('Structure.length', 0),
 ('Structure.content', '')]
>>> # List the field values of the mapper as a CSV list.
>>> mapper.to_csv()
[{'id': 'Structure.length', 'value': 0},
 {'id': 'Structure.content', 'value': ''}]
>>> # View the mapper field values as a JSON string.
>>> mapper.to_json()
'{"length": 0, "content": ""}'

Create the Byte Stream Reader#

Third, create a reader for the byte stream mapper to the data source by attaching the byte stream mapper to the data object of a pointer field.

>>> class FileReader(Pointer):
...     def __init__(self, address=None, byte_order=BYTEORDER):
...         super().__init__(FileMapper(), address, byte_order)


>>> # Create the byte stream reader.
>>> reader = Pointer(mapper, address=0, data_order='little')
>>> # List the field values of the pointer and data object.
>>> reader.to_list()
[('Pointer.field', '0x0'),
 ('', 0),
 ('', '')]
>>> # List the field values of the pointer and data object as a CSV list.
>>> reader.to_csv()
[{'id': 'Pointer.field', 'value': '0x0'},
 {'id': '', 'value': 0},
 {'id': '', 'value': ''}]
>>> # View the pointer and data object field values as a JSON string.
>>> reader.to_json()
'{"value": "0x0",
  "data": {"length": 0, "content": ""}}'

Read from the Data Source#

Fourth, read the required byte stream for the data object attached to the pointer field with the byte stream provider from the data source by calling the method read_from() of the pointer field.

>>> # Start address to read the byte stream for the data object from the data source.
>>> reader.address
>>> # Reader points to zero (Null).
>>> reader.is_null()
>>> # Internal byte stream of the reader for the data object.
>>> reader.bytestream
>>> # Read from the provider the byte stream and deserialize the byte stream.
>>> reader.read_from(provider, null_allowed=True)
>>> # Internal byte stream of the reader for the data object.
>>> reader.bytestream
>>> bytes.fromhex(reader.bytestream)
b"\x0f\x00KonFoo is 'Fun'"
>>> # List the field values of the data object.
[('Structure.length', 15),
 ('Structure.content', "KonFoo is 'Fun'")]
>>> # List the field values of the data object as a CSV list.
[{'id': 'Structure.length', 'value': 15},
 {'id': 'Structure.content', 'value': "KonFoo is 'Fun'"}]
>>> # View the data object field values as a JSON string.
'{"length": 15, "content": "KonFoo is \'Fun\'"}'