
The role of a Container is to describe the structure of one or more memory areas in a data source.

A container always needs one or more fields to describe the content of the memory area.


The list below shows the available container classes.

View Field Attributes#

A container can view the attributes of each field nested in the container by calling its method view_fields().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> # Create an empty container.
>>> container = Container()
>>> # View the field values in the container.
>>> container.view_fields()


The attributes of each field for containers nested in the container are viewed as well (chained method call).

View as a JSON String#

A container can view the attributes of each field nested in the container as a JSON formatted string by calling its method to_json().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> container.to_json()


The attributes of each field for containers nested in the container are viewed as well (chained method call).

List Field Items#

A container can list all its field items nested in the container as a flatten list in the form of ('field path', field item) tuples by calling its method field_items().

>>> # List the field items in the container.
>>> container.field_items()

List Field Attributes#

A container can list the attributes of each field item nested in the container as a flatten list in the form of ('field path', attribute) or ('field path', list(attributes)) tuples by calling its method to_list().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> # List the field values in the container.
>>> container.to_list()

A container can list the attributes of each field item nested in the container as a flatten dictionary in the form of {'field path': attribute} or {'field path': list(attributes)} pairs by calling its method to_dict().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> # List the field values in the container.
>>> container.to_dict()
{'Container': {}}

A container can list the attributes of each field item nested in the container as a flatten list of dictionaries containing the field path and the selected field attributes by calling its method to_csv().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> # List the field values in the container.
>>> container.to_csv()


The class name of the instance is used for the root name as long as no name is given.

Write Field Attributes#

A container can write the attributes of each field item nested in the container to a .csv file by calling its method write_csv().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> # Save the field values to an '.csv' file.
>>> container.write_csv("./_static/container.csv")

The generated .csv file for the container looks like this:



The class name of the instance is used for the root name as long as no name is given.

Save Field Attributes#

A container can save the attributes of each field item nested in the container to an .ini file by calling its method save().

The default attribute is the field value.

>>> # Save the field values to an '.ini' file.

The generated .ini file for the container looks like this:



The class name of the instance is used for the section name as long as no section is given.

Load Field Values#

A container can load the value of each field item nested in the container from an .ini file by calling its method load().

>>> # Load the field values from an '.ini' file.
>>> container.load("./_static/container.ini")


The class name of the instance is used for the section name as long as no section is given.